Friday, April 1, 2016

How to buy car insurance: online or in person?

In order to provide better service and offer more options to their customers, some auto insurance companies let you buy an insurance policy online or by phone or directly speaking with an insurance agent.
The best choice depends on your needs, and the degree of knowledge you have about the insurance process and coverage options.
So you can make a good buy, then describes some of the main advantages and disadvantages of purchasing auto insurance online or through an insurance agent.
Internet: the most practical and rapid
Thanks to technology, there are insurance companies that allow you to not only purchase a policy online, but also detailed information about coverage available, get a quote and even file a claim.
Advantages. With this practical option, you can purchase your policy immediately, from the comfort of your home. Furthermore, as a direct purchase, there are no commissions to agents or brokers, so your car insurance could be cheaper.
Disadvantages. If this is your first time buying a policy or if you have questions about coverage options, information on the Internet may not be sufficient to answer all your questions. In this case, you might want to contact an agent over the phone or in person.
For whom. Internet shopping is a good alternative for people with basic needs coverage seeking a fast, they have more experience with the process of buying auto insurance.
Insurance agent: trust and guidance
Many people prefer human contact when making a major purchase. An insurance agent can offer personalized service, helping you to identify the coverage you need and offering attractive discounts.
Advantages. When buying a policy through an insurance agent, you can develop a trusting relationship. This way you can continue to count on the support of your agent if you need to make changes to your policy or make a claim later.
Disadvantages. This process is less immediate purchase online, then you should go to a branch of the insurer or place a call to talk to an agent and purchase your policy.
For whom. Consider this option if this is the first time buying car insurance or if your coverage needs have changed and need guidance on your insurance options.

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